Innovative Ukraine report

Categories: Reports-GMI.


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The report “Innovative Ukraine” was released jointly by StrategEast, a strategic center based in the U.S. and the largest Ukrainian IT cluster UNIT.City. The strategic center and the innovation park have decided to join their efforts, since they share the understanding of the importance of the role of the IT industry in development of the Eurasian states.

The authors of the paper Dmytro Yeromin and Anatoly Motkin are strongly convinced that IT industry for the young Eurasian states with reforms under way is not just one of the economic industries that generates substantial export revenue and creates well-paid jobs, it becomes a point of intersection with the Western world for the young specialists: choosing a career in the IT industry, IT specialists integrate into the global IT industry with the shared rules for all the countries where such values as the rule of law and intellectual property rights protection are an integral part.

The report’s authors point out that Ukraine’s IT industry became one of the factors driving the country’s economic growth: the IT industry’s exports amounted to US 4 billion, or 9% of the country’s total export turnover. However, further growth of the IT industry requires such measures as the improvement of intellectual property rights protection system in Ukraine, supporting education in the field of IT, establishing the legislative framework for software development, optimizing the process of employment for foreigners in Ukraine.

“The IT industry contributes substantially to the transformation of the public sector and the society in the Eurasian states in accordance with the principles of transparency and accountability. Ukraine, being a typical Eurasian country with its economy in transition, is on its way from natural resources-based to the knowledge-driven economy. Our goal is to facilitate the acceleration of such transition by developing the IT industry of Ukraine,” say the authors of the Innovative Ukraine report – Anatoly Motkin, President at StrategEast, and Dmytro Yeromin, Managing Partner at UNIT.City.

Based on an in-depth understanding of the Ukrainian IT industry and its growth restraints brought by the UNIT.City experts, and the extensive international experience of StrategEast, the report proposes the ways of the Ukrainian IT industry integration into the global ecosystem and suggests an action plan for the Western policymakers, financial institutions and global IT companies, which they can follow to facilitate the global integration of the Ukrainian IT industry. The Innovative Ukraine report is of great use to anyone who is interested in the success of economic and social reforms in Ukraine and is committed to making Ukraine a prosperous country with the Western values.