EU4Youth, Austrian Development Cooperation support Armenian start-ups with training and grants

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EU4Youth, Austrian Development Cooperation support Armenian start-ups with training and grants

Categories: Armenia, Caucasus, Monitoring, and Monitoring-GMI.

Nineteen young people from the Armenian town of Ijevan will get a chance to pitch their business ideas for funding on 10 September, after taking part in a free three-month entrepreneurship training course, and continuous business consulting.

This activity is part of the ‘EU4Youth: Employability and Stability in Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine’ project.

The initiative is funded by the EU and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA) and implemented in Armenia by the BSC Business Support Centre and ‘SOS Children’s Villages’ Armenia.

Between May and July 2019, the young entrepreneurs from Ijevan generated business concepts and developed business plans with support from the EU4Youth project. Following a competitive process, the promoters of the most convincing business ideas will receive grants to put their ideas into action and set up their own business.

On 10 September, they will pitch their business ideas before the selection committee at the Qarvansara Complex in Ijevan, which will select the five best ideas for funding. The business ideas are from a wide range of sectors from such as IT, tourism, textile production, a tea house, and music production.

Representatives of the EU Delegation in Armenia, as well as partners from international and local NGOs will be present at the event.

The first phase of the project saw grants awarded to four start-ups in Yerevan.

The new intake will join 17 young people from Yerevan to take part in a third phase of the project in 2020. 
