EU launches EU4Digital supporting the digital economy and society in Moldova

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EU launches EU4Digital supporting the digital economy and society in Moldova

Categories: Eastern Europe, Moldova, Monitoring, and Monitoring-GMI.

EU4Digital, a new facility funded by the European Union to support the digital economy and society, is holding its launch event in Chisinau on 2 October 2019, with the support of the EU Delegation to Moldova and the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of Moldova. The aim of the event is to present the EU4Digital Facility as a flagship initiative, channelling a broad range of actions in support of EU policy objectives in the digital area. The event will also take stock of the situation and progress made in the digital sector in Moldova and look ahead to upcoming actions. The event will also see the launch of the new EU4Digital website

The meeting will be addressed by Ambassador of the European Union to Moldova Peter Michalko, and Vadim Brinzan, Minister of Economy and Infrastructure of Moldova. EU Ambassador Peter Michalko said: “We are proud to present the EU4Digital Facility that we expect to improve not only the work of government institutions, but the life of Moldovan citizens as well. It is an area with great potential for social and economic development, as well as for the creation of growth and jobs. The harmonisation of digital markets will result in improved online services at better prices and with greater choice; it will attract investments and boost trade and employment.”  Vadim Brinzan, Minister of Economy and Infrastructure of Moldova, said: “The EU4Digital Facility will provide better opportunities and linkages in digital economy and society for businesses and citizens from Eastern Partnership countries and the EU. More accessible connectivity, a modern ICT startup ecosystem, simplified e-trade, enhanced cyber security and digital skills will stimulate economic growth, the digital inclusion of citizens and businesses, and the integration of Moldova in the regional and European digital economy.”

The opening remarks will be followed by a full presentation of EU4Digital, and a panel discussion on how it complements other digital initiatives in Moldova and the wider region. The EU4Digital Facility is a regional programme for the Eastern Partnership region. It began in January 2019 and will run until December 2021.  EU4Digital aims to extend the benefits of the European Union’s Digital Single Market to the Eastern Partner states, channelling EU support to develop the potential of the digital economy and society, in order to bring economic growth, generate more jobs, improve people’s lives, help businesses and improve the lives of citizens, with a particular attention to women beneficiaries in a male dominated sector.  Through EU4Digital, the EU supports Eastern Partnership countries on reducing roaming tariffs, developing high-speed broadband to boost economies and expand e-services, harmonising digital frameworks across society, in areas ranging from logistics to health, building cyber security and developing digital skills.
