Belarus, Austrian A1 in talks re building 5G network

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Belarus, Austrian A1 in talks re building 5G network

Categories: Belarus, Eastern Europe, Monitoring, and Monitoring-GMI.

The government is looking into various options for building a 5G network in Belarus and is ready to hear out proposals of the Austrian concern A1 Telekom Austria Group. First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Aleksandr Turchin made the relevant statement as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria to Belarus Aloisia Worgetter.

Aloisia Worgetter remarked that the meeting with representatives of the government had been organized ahead of the visit of the Belarusian head of state to Austria. “During the bilateral meeting the two heads of state discussed matters concerning A1 Company. We know that the Austrian president will ask questions about the progress that has been secured. This is why we would like to understand where we are, what the progress on existing agreements is in order to prepare the Austrian side and the president for the visit,” the ambassador said.

According to Aleksandr Turchin, the Belarusian side has already given rather comprehensive answers to the questions raised at the meeting of the heads of state. “In my opinion, only the matter of the development of the 5G network remains undecided. The Belarusian government is looking into various options for building this network. A proposal has been made by A1 Company. Another has been made by MTS Company. This is why we intend to discuss these options soon in order to work out some decision and understand in what direction we are going to move,” the first deputy prime minister noted.

Aleksandr Turchin assured the ambassador that the government would look into all proposals concerning the development of the 5G technology. “We would be grateful if A1 Company presented a well-reasoned explanation why their proposal is the best one,” he added.
