ICT to play a leading role in diversifying the economy of Azerbaijan

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ICT to play a leading role in diversifying the economy of Azerbaijan

Categories: Analysis, Azerbaijan, Caucasus, Events-GMI, and Featured News.

Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, Senior Analyst, Economic Research Center

Recently, the European Commission has released the Digital Economy and Society Index, a composite index that summarizes relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of the EU Member States in digital competitiveness.

The Index assesses key dimensions of the European information society: Telecom sector, Broadband, Mobile, Internet usage, Internet services, eGovernment, eCommerce, eBusiness, ICT Skills, Research and Development.

StrategEast has interviewed leading experts from EaP countries on the perspectives of IT development in their countries. Here are the answers from the expert on Azerbaijan.


Given the positive record of training in STEM subjects in post-Soviet countries and the latest success stories of ICT development in the region, do you think your country can compete with the EU states in terms of ICT sector development?

Information and communication technology (ICT) is expected to play a leading role in diversifying the economy of Azerbaijan. ICT is Azerbaijan’s second most profitable sector after hydrocarbons. It is also the second-largest recipient of FDI after the oil and gas industry.

Recently, Azerbaijan has been focused on the development of its ICT sector. At present, the Strategic Roadmap for Development of Telecommunications and Information Technologies in Azerbaijan Republic has been under implementation since 2016. The National Strategy for Information Society Development (NSISD), which runs from 2014 to 2020, was divided into two distinct stages. The first run from 2014 to 2017 will see the building of information society, and the effective adoption of ICT at all levels of society.  Central to this is the e-government endeavor, which seeks to have all key government services functioning entirely online. The second initiative is the State Fund for Development of Information Technologies run from 2017.

To my mind, Azerbaijan cannot compete with the EU states in terms of ICT sector development right now, it will require more time.

What success stories can you name in e-Government services? Can you say that your country possesses a strong human capital skilled in IT?

Azerpsace-1 and   Azerpsace-2  of the Azercosmos’ telecommunications satellite are a great example and one of the success stories for the development of the ICT sector in Azerbaijan.

Having launched the Azerspace-1, the first-ever satellite of Azerbaijan, millions of viewers can access information and communications services worldwide. Azerspace-1 plays a role as an important gateway in a joint space that connects more than 50 countries in Central Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Azerspace-2 will help Azercosmos meet the growing demand for direct-to-home (DTH) television, government, and network services in Europe, Central, and South Asia, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Azerspace-2 will also provide high-power Ku-band connectivity to the African continent from 45 degrees East in geostationary orbit. Azerspace-2 has been designed for smaller terrestrial antennas and will deliver cross-connectivity between East Africa, West Africa, and Central Africa, as well as Europe and Central Asia.

ICT has strong growth potential in Azerbaijan, and this sector carries the promise to create high value-added jobs among young, skilled graduates.