IT cluster to be set up in Belarusian Brest

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IT cluster to be set up in Belarusian Brest

Categories: Monitoring-GMI.

An agreement to establish an IT cluster in Brest was signed at the 2nd edition of the economic forum of twin-towns and partners of Brest on 5 September.

A cooperation agreement was signed by Epol Soft and Orangesoft Development, Brest Local Fund for Regional Development, Brest Science and Technology Park, Brest State Technical University and Brest State University. The document provides for setting up an information technology cluster in Brest. The agreement sets forth terms of cooperation. It will be fleshed out by new projects in various sectors.

According to Rector of Brest State Technical University Aleksandr Dragan, the IT cluster opens up great opportunities for all stakeholders. “Our university seeks to build contacts with industry leaders, including major tech companies. This cooperation benefits all the partners. We have already established partnerships with a number of companies and our collaboration has proved efficient. We set up and run joint laboratories. We provide human resources (teachers and students), while IT companies provide finances and equipment,” he said. A new robotics laboratory will be launched at the university in the near future.

All in all, over 20 cooperation agreements were signed during the economic forum. Representatives of Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Israel, Lithuania and other countries seek to establish partnerships with companies and organizations of Brest. The forum was organized in the run-up to the city’s 1,000th anniversary. Anniversary celebrations will be held on 6-8 September.
